Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Satellite Research Institute, Iranian Research Center, Tehran, Iran


n GEO communicational satellites, thrusts are being used for many missions such as station keeping, longitude change maneuver and actuators desaturation. These types of actuators need fuel and its estimation requires many complicated calculations. In this paper, a novel method based on availed data for previous satellites is proposed for estimation of satellite fuel mass and it does not need mathematical modeling of satellite dynamics. Two methods, least square method and artificial intelligence, are used to this aim and two mathematical model are proposed for satellite fuel mass estimation. By applying the models to several previous satellites, it is shown that the models have lower than 5% average error. The proposed method in this paper is quick and accurate and can be utilized for GEO satellites feasibility study and conceptual design


Main Subjects

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