Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace University Complex, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran. Iran

2 Department of Aerospace University Complex, Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran Iran

3 Department of Aerospace Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, a novel Comprehensive Preference-based Design (CPD) approach is presented which attempts to achieve subjective attributes that are defined in the concept of maximization of designer/customer's satisfaction in addition to objective goals which are formulated in the form of minimization of a performance criterion in a two-phase structure using two nested optimizers.In the first phase of CPD,using the concept of satisfaction,the subjective preferences of the designer/customer are defined in terms of fuzzy relationships and operators.Whereas the results of this phase are inaccurate,in the second phase,it is attempted to define a performance criterion and in order to achieve an optimal operational plan,attitude parameters and the compromises needed to meet the designer/customer's preferences are implemented.The methodology is utilized to design of a space launch vehicle for delivering 1200 kg payload to a 750 km orbit.Comparison of the results shows that despite the higher mass of launch vehicle designed by CPD,overall design satisfaction is higher and designer/customer's preferences have been satisfied.


Main Subjects

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