

When space vehicles did not take off horizontally (like airplanes), they had to cross airspace of states other than the launcher state. This phenomenon exists still now for the states who intend to launch space objects, especially when launch pads are located near borders of adjacent states. What has been the attitude of the international law toward the issue of passage of space object through a foreign territory during its launch and re-entry into the atmosphere? Are the states allowed to use territory of other states, while launching their space objects? Do the international instruments or customary international law provide precise answers for this issue? In this paper, the researcher investigates sovereignty of states over their territorial air-space and discusses different legal viewpoints on passage of space objects through territory of other states. It clear that states cannot launch space objects without first obtaining permission of the concerned state. It is asserted that up to now no international law instrument have been linked to that effect, i.e. regarding innocent passage of space objects without consent of the concerned state(s).


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